/india/ - Sourcing agents from India

Sourcing agents from India

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(10.05 KB 345x221 yarn raw cotton fabric.jpeg)
Textile: yarn and fabric India Board owner 10/05/2023 (Thu) 08:48:25 No. 11
Sourcing agents that can help importers find ideal yarn and fabric producers, do quality inspection, calculate the true cost of their products, recommend contract terms, or plan better purchasing strategies.
Edited last time by admin on 11/12/2023 (Sun) 07:17:41.
Agent #: in32694i Type of agent: a commission based freelancer sourcing agent Products: Fabrics Location: Bangalore, India Where I expect my clients are from: Worldwide What type of clients I prefer: Small to medium sized importers Languages: English Gender: Male More: (what makes this agent stands out) : I am an experienced sourcing agent working with more than a dozen suppliers that produce woven and knitted fabrics, raw or dyed or printed, for formal & casual wears. I also offer factory evaluation, quality checking, production inspection, etc.,
Edited last time by admin on 10/05/2023 (Thu) 13:50:05.
Agent #: in39903i Type of agent: a sourcing agent Products: combed knitting 100% cotton yarn, knitted 100% cotton fabrics Location: Coimbatore, India Where I expect my clients are from: worldwide Languages: English Gender: Male
Agent #: in32009i Type of agent: a sourcing agent Products: yarn ,woven fabrics and knitted fabric Location: Coimbatore, India Where I expect my clients are from:worldwide Languages: English Gender: Male
Agent #: in30078i Type of agent: a sourcing agent and a sales agent Products: Cotton yarn, fabric Location: Ahmedabad, India Where I expect my clients are from: worldwide Languages: English Gender: Male
